
artworks which are displayed at these locations

 Public Art: Best Practices


 Modern databases were necessary for a public art program that focuses on contemporary initiatives.


 4Culture located in King County, Washington has adopted a unique way to serve its community. Alongside grant programs for arts,


 Heritage preservation. They are renowned to encourage dialogue and engagement with their collection of public art and ensuring access pertinent information.


 Everyone is welcome to visit the Artwork Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock  Archive. 4Culture was looking for an answer to the vast collection's conservation and reframe. Artwork Archive was a excellent option.


 let them manage their data online, ensuring they continue their mission despite the spread of.


 4Culture's Public Art Collection Preparator Guy Merrill was interviewed by us. We also interviewed Jordan Howland (4Culture’s Curator, Collections Manager) to find out more about their work.


 They're using Artwork Archive's cloud platform to continue, and expand on their vital work.


 King County is America's 10th-largest populated Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock  County. King County Public Art Collection has a variety of types and sizes-civic spaces.


 Courthouses are jails, prisons, public hospitals, airports and solid waste facilities. There are many places to keep track.


 including the artworks which are displayed at these locations.


 Change from PastPerfect Archive into Artwork Archive

 4Culture used PastPerfect, Access, and before that Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock  Artwork Archive. Guy explained that PastPerfect had many limitations. The


 An agency required something that was cloud-based.


 The collection is a part of a program within an agency (a PDA, to be specific) and operates in a similar way as an organization.


 4Culture was unable to fund the database, and they Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock  needed to find affordable funding. Guy spoke with colleagues working in the field, and one of them shared Artwork Archive.


 "One of the main reasons why we moved to Artwork Archive was because it is a cloud-based platform," asserts Guy.


 Guy explains how it helps to be able a pull up an item record while in field. This aids in the conservation and preservation of their items.


 artworks. "We have 2500 pieces scattered across 100 locations across the County. You can look at the state of the record through the Artwork Archive.


 Images of the past. Check out how it was Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock Sense Rock  supposed to look and how it appears now. Jordan will be in touch to address your concerns. I'm also willing to talk with him immediately.


 The artwork.


 Artwork Archive is the solution.

 Guy and Jordan both share many features and benefits that relate to their vast public art collection. Artwork


 Archive helps them be better stewards of their art. Archive ensures that stories, objects, and the legacies will be preserved for the future.




 "Guy and me inherited a lot deferred maintenance when taking over the management of the collection. Our work is very technically-oriented. Over the past year


 and half, it has been especially helpful to focus on the restoration and cleaning of site-specific and integrated artworks-to keep all of those that have been built


 projects in good repair and ensure that our technical specialists working." Keeping everyone afloat in this period (COVID) has been an important goal.