
What database is able to support diverse narratives

 "We're making a shift towards being more welcoming to more people. Jordan states, "We're doing a lot regarding racial equity," Jordan states. "We're changing the way we request our."

 artists and how we are reaching out to the community. We're currently Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post receiving video declarations of interest for new projects, rather than only written submissions."

 These statements in video and other unconventional provenance records can not only be uploaded and saved within Artwork Archive, but also shared

 publicly. Audio and video hyperlinks can be added to the Public Profile, helping to highlight the stories of artists of every background.

 4Culture collaborates in conjunction with a state-wide  Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post organization to create an "Fair Trades” training program and resource guide. Their aim is to determine and

 Mentorship, professional development and job opportunities that are real are key to ensuring that there is room for all technical specialists in the field.

 Made for BIPOC people, businesses and women. "We work with the same people over and over. The field is predominantly white male dominated." The four

 partnering organizations -4Culture, City of Seattle Office of  Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Arts & Culture, SoundTransit's StArt Program, and ArtsWAare determined to do all they can to change


 4Culture allows you to keep track of demographics and contacts as they map out art handlers.

 information for these art professionals in Artwork Archive's  Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post fully-integrated CRM, or "contact relationship management" system. They are also able to create

 Contact Groups for tracking every kind of professional art group.

 Artwork Archive can be used to reinvent the collection and keep it alive.

 4Culture is also working on a reframing project and is focused  Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post on the interpretation and presentation of artworks at specific locations.

 This project focuses mainly on the areas in which artworks don't change. It means that artworks that belong to site-specific collections will be considered. In order to preserve the

 The works and the interpretations they offer are new, 4Culture is focusing on the personal stories of each artist, and the unique cultures they come from. To accomplish this, 4Culture is focusing on the  Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post personal stories of each artist, and the unique backgrounds of each artist.

 4Culture team is rewriting all of the artwork labels (and discovering wall label generators to be a major time-saver in the process).

 Jordan explains that although the work is not able to move outside of buildings in these cases it can be moved around in the space. However, its position within the space, as well as its interpretation is able to be revisited.

 We will highlight connections that are new. We hope that  Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post people will get a better sense of the people behind the artworks and perhaps be able to relate to their story

 too. This kind of work helps keep the collection alive.

 Artwork Archive can be used to grow with your institution.

 According to Guy Artwork Archive's embed on their website Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post Rich Post was among the primary reasons why they chose Artwork Archive to manage their collection. The growth of the

 the public art section on their website has been an ongoing project. Artwork Archive will synch their collection inventory as soon as they are at the point of being ready.

 Site is easy to use and intuitive. The development of their digital offerings

 Their presence will be beneficial to the local community and the entire community.