
7 Steps to Start an Small Business on the Internet

 There's a well-established sequence of steps that you can follow to guarantee your success when you're starting a small online business. The following are steps that I've witnessed help thousands of people begin and develop profitable online businesses.

 Step 1: Create an organization to meet a demand.

 Most people starting on their own make the mistake, looking first for a good product, and then an audience.

 To increase your odds of success, you must first establish an initial market. It's important to find people looking for a solution to a problem, but with many options. This type of market research can be simple with the internet:

 Find online answers to common questions and solutions to your problems.

 You can use keyword research to locate keywords that are searched frequently however, they are not a lot of competition to other websites.

 Find out about your competitors by visiting their sites and taking note of what they're doing to fill the demand. This will allow you to use the information you have and develop a product to fill an unmet need on the market.

 Step 2. Write copy to sell.

 The proven formula for selling to customers takes customers through the whole sales process, starting at the moment they arrive until the moment they make their purchase.

 Use a compelling headline to draw attention.

 Describe the problem that your product is able to solve.

 Establish your credibility as a solver of this issue.

 Include testimonials from those who have tried your product.

 Discuss about the product and what benefits it provides the user.

 Offer it to the public.

 Make a strong guarantee.

 Make it a priority.

 Ask for the price of the sale.

 Your content should focus on the unique way your product or service can solve people's issues and make their lives easier. You can think as a potential client and ask "What's in the package for me?"

 Step 3. Design and create your site.

 Once you've identified the target market and the product you want to sell, it's time to start creating your site for small businesses. It's important to keep things simple. You only have five seconds to get someone's attention -- otherwise, they're gone, never to be seen again. Here are some important things to keep in mind

 Choose one or two plain fonts with a white background.

 You should make your navigation simple and clear on all pages.

 Use graphics, audio or videos only if they are enhancing your message.

 Be sure to include an optin offer to gather email addresses.

 Make it easy to buy with just two clicks between the potential buyer and checkout.

 Your website can be considered to be your online storefront.

 Step 4. Use search engines to drive targeted buyers to your site.

 Pay-per-click marketing is the best method to bring traffic to your brand-new website. There are two advantages of this approach over waiting for organic traffic. PPC ads are immediately visible in search results. PPC ads also allow you to test different keywords and headlines as well prices and selling methods. PPC advertisements can be utilized to generate instant traffic and help you identify the most profitable keywords. This will allow you to spread keywords across your site using the code you use and your copy. This can boost the organic search results.

 Step 5: Establishing a professional image for your self.

 Information is a common search engine. It's a great way to get more traffic to your website and boost your search engine rankings. Each piece of information must include an address for your site.

 Create expert content for sharing for free. You can write articles, videos, and other useful content. Distribute that content through online article directories or social media sites.

 On content that is valuable, add "send to friend" hyperlinks.

 Participate in forums for your industry and social media platforms where your target audience hangs out.

 You'll reach new readers. And, even more importantly, every site that posts your content will link back to yours. Search engines are awestruck by linking to relevant sites and will place you higher in search results.

 Step 6 - Utilize email marketing to convert visitors into customers

 When you build an opt-in database, you're building one of the most valuable assets for your online business. Your customers and subscribers have given you permission to send them an email. This means:

 You're giving it away to them.

 They are your lifelong friends.

 The answer is 100 percent quantifiable.

 Because it is highly targeted, email marketing is more cost-effective and less expensive than TV, radio or printing.

 Anyone who visits your site and opts into your list is a popular lead. To follow up with them, an email is the most effective tool.

 Step 7: Increase your income through back-end sales and upselling.

 One of the most crucial online marketing strategies is to increase every client's lifetime value. 36 percent of those who purchased from your company previously will purchase from you in the future if they are followed up. Making that first sale successful is by far the most difficult aspect- not to mention the most costly. To convince them to buy another time, you can make use of back-end and upselling.

 Offer complementary products to the original purchase.

 Send out electronic loyalty vouchers that customers are able to redeem on the next time they visit.

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 After customers make a purchase, display similar items to your Thank You page.

 Give your customers a reward for their loyalty and they'll become much more loyal.

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 The internet is constantly changing. One year of online activity can be equivalent to five years in the real-world. But the fundamental guidelines for how to start and grow an online business that is profitable haven't changed. The sequence of steps is recommended if you are just starting your own online venture. Do a quick review even if you're an experienced internet marketer. See if there are any steps that you didn't take note of or missed. It's impossible to fail by following the basic steps.