
customers a reward

Choose one to two plain fonts on white backgrounds.

 Your navigation should be easy and clear on all pages.

 Use graphics, audio and video only if they help enhance your message.

 You can include an opt-in option to collect email addresses.

 Easy purchase -- only two clicks to get potential customers to checkout

 Your website is your online storefront. Create a user-friendly website.

 Step 4 Utilize search engines to draw in targeted customers to your site.

 Pay-per-click is the most efficient way to get traffic to a brand-new site. Pay-per-click advertising offers two advantages over organic traffic. PPC advertisements are instantly visible in search results. PPC ads also allow you to test different keywords and headlines as well pricing and selling strategies. PPC ads allow you to quickly get traffic. Additionally, you can use them to identify the most profitable keywords. You can then incorporate the keywords on your website's copy and code that will improve your rankings in the organic results of search engines.

 Step 5: Establish an image of professionalism.

 Information is a common search engine. It's a great method to increase visitors to your site and boost your search engine rankings. Make sure to include a link to your website with each item of information.

 Provide expert content at no charge. Make videos, articles and any other type of content that users are able to make use of. The content could be shared via social media or through online directories of articles.

 Add "send to a friend" hyperlinks on important content on your website.

 Become an active expert in industry forums and social networking websites where your audience hangs out.

 This allows you to reach new people. But even better, every site that posts your content will also link back to your site. Search engines are awestruck by links and will place you higher in the rankings when they come from reliable websites.

 Step 6 - Use email marketing to turn visitors to customers

 Your opt-in lists can be among the most valuable assets you can have for your online company. Your customers and subscribers have granted you permission to send them emails. This means:

 You're giving it to them.

 You're building lifelong friendships with them.

 The response is 100 percent measurable.

 Email marketing is more affordable and efficient than radio, TV, or print because it is highly targeted.

 Anyone who visits your site and then opts in to your mailing list is a very popular lead. And there's no better tool than email for following up with leads.

 Step 7 Boost your earnings by selling back-end items and upselling

 The most important strategy for online marketing is to maximize the value of each customer's lifetime. A minimum of 36 percent of people who bought from you before will purchase from you in the future if you keep in touch with them. It is often the most difficult and costly part of closing the first sale. Back-end selling and Upselling are the most effective ways to get them back to purchase again.

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 Offer products that complement their initial purchase.

 Distribute electronic loyalty vouchers that they can redeem during the next time they visit.

 After customers make a purchase, display similar items on your Thank You page.

 Give your customers a reward for their loyalty, and they'll be even more loyal.

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 The internet moves so quickly that one year online is equivalent to about five years in reality. However, the fundamentals of starting and grow a successful online company haven't changed at all. These tips are suggested to anyone new to beginning an online business. Review your actions, and determine if any are not being followed. It's impossible to fail by following the basic steps.