Colonial Canada: Canadian history in the early modern era

Module 9: Economic Change and the Role of the State




Excerpts for "Institutions" module

An Introduction to Schools, Prisons and Asylums

A Discussion About What Institutional Reforms Have in Common



This is our last week before the final assignment so I want you to focus on what I think many of you are missing: the connection between your general question and the individual excerpts you're discussing. I'm seeing lots of interesting discussion of individual pieces/excerpts, but not so strong integration either with your question or among the excerpts.

Thus, this week, read all the secondary sources as usual, but write only as follows: 

1. Pose a general question. Then explain, in two or three sentences, *how* this links the different pieces together.

2. With reference to only one excerpt, explore (a) the author's main argument, (b) how it answers your question, and (c) how the author's evidence supports the argument. How many of the primary texts can you link to your chosen secondary source? Show us how they connect.

3. As you read others' posts, look to how they do these same tasks with different excerpts. Compare and evaluate your own and others' questions; compare and evaluate their discussions with your own. Do you see strengths weaknesses in yours or others'? Having read everything, you should be able to focus some attention on thinking about how others are performing these tasks.



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